Khandie Photography

  /  Photography   /  You Should Shoot Film. I mean it.

In a world dominated by digital technology, where smartphones boast cameras capable of capturing cracking images with a mere tap of your finger, you gotta wonder: why do people still shoot film? The answer lies not just in the physicality of analogue photography, but in what film embodies.

  1. Nostalgia: Looking back with rosy vision. 

There’s something deeply nostalgic about the process of shooting film. From loading the film into the camera to awaiting the development of each frame, every step has in the words of Frankenfurter ‘antici……..pation’ and wonder reminiscent of the ‘good old days’ as the cool kids say. For many photographers, shooting film is a nostalgic nod to ‘simpler’ times, a way to connect with the past and preserve memories in a tangible, tactile form not simply stored on a hard drive.

  1. Artistic Expression: Film Stock Choices

Film photography is an art form in its own right. Unlike digital photography, where images can be instantly reviewed and edited, shooting on film requires a more involved understanding of light, composition, and more. Each frame is a carefully curated, where every detail matters and imperfections are celebrated rather than erased. For artists and creatives, shooting film offers a canvas upon which to paint with light, bringing their visions to life in a way that feels truly authentic and unique. You deliberately choose your film stock to ensure it matches up with your desired effect. I mull over film stock like crazy! Check out Analogue Wonderland for your film stock.

  1. The Joy of Slowing Down

In today’s rapid speed world, where instant gratification is the norm (dopamine chasing is so real), shooting film forces us to slow down and enjoy that moment. With a limited number of exposures per roll, every shot becomes precious, encouraging photographers to be more deliberate and intentional in their approach. In a society constantly rushing from one thing to the next, shooting film offers a welcome reprieve, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the present time.

  1. The Unknown

One of the most fabulous aspects of shooting film is the element of not really entirely knowing what the images will really come out like. Unlike digital photography, where images are immediately visible, the results of shooting film remain a mystery until the film is developed. The pain of shooting and getting only light leaks can be a hard one to take. There’s an undeniable thrill in waiting to see how each shot turns out, knowing that each frame is a unique and unrepeatable moment captured in time. Lets be honest this world has slowly become predictable and predetermined, shooting film lets us go a little ‘wild in the aisles’.

  1. Wanna Be In The Cool Kids Group

Shooting film creates a sense of community and connection among photographers. Whether it’s sharing tips and techniques, swapping stories, or simply bonding over a shared love of film, the film photography community is a tight-knit and supportive group. Maybe its because analogue film its self is so tactile, that we build strong connections?

Shooting film lies not just in its technical fun times, but the feelings it creates in you as a photographer.  So why do people still shoot film? Because frankly, we like the unknown slow nature of it and the bonded feelings we have with it.


BTW enough of my jabbering. Check out what Analogue Wonderland had to say on the matter.

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