Khandie Photography

  /  Photography   /  Engagement Photo Shoot – Marie and Nathaniel

Set in the beautiful surroundings for a former private school with the autumn leaves falling, the engagement photo shoot of Marie and Nathaniel was a dream to capture. I am already shooting their wedding in the same location next year so it was perfection to get to scout the area and get a real feel for the place. Such a lovely location with a fantastic attention to detail, whilst some venues can slack off in the winter months with the landscaping etc, this venue has really kept it up.

Engagement shoots are an awesome way to relax with your photographer ahead of the big day. Weddings can be stressful enough without worrying about having your photo taken. You learn about posing and how to interact more authentically with each other so that wooden awkwardness is gone.

A lot of wedding photographers like myself offer complimentary engagement shoots with wedding photography packages. I urge you to have at least a quick shoot with your potential wedding photographer to really ‘feel’ them out and how they work.

Marie and Nathaniel are blinking adorable. I mean seriously. Nathaniel instinctively holds Marie’s hand and smiles the biggest smiles for her. True love people.  True love. Their wedding is going to be amazing and whilst I have been privvy to some of the details, I will save that for the blog post about their big day. For now enjoy some of the images from their engagement photo shoot.

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

wedding, engagement, love, marriage, wedding, khandie photography, wedding, photographer,

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