Khandie Photography

  /  Photography   /  Midgardsblot Festival & The Oslo Photo Walk

When I first thought about putting together my first international photo walk, I was worried. Would people want to come along? Would they want to hang out with me in Norway? To be blunt and toot my own horn, yes they did. Whilst it was free (its the first one after all) it was sold out. I sold out a photo walk in Norway! Yes, it rained but we made friends, even showed some locals places that were new even to them! Marco Zimberlin teamed up with me to co-host it and it really was a huge success. I am very proud. So proud I am thinking of doing something similar in November when I go back.

If you are interested in knowing more about my photo walks or classes, you can join my mailing list here: Khandie Crew!

You can watch the photo walk in Oslo here:

I wasn’t only in Norway for simply a photo walk. Nope. I photographed the famous Midgardsblot festival. This is a massive Viking and music festival on the coast of Norway that simply blew my mind. Traveling overseas to capture a festival really made me feel proud to be a photographer. I cant wait to go back next year. I was given full pit access and met some incredible people. I really did capture some images that blew me away.


You can watch more here:
